Monday, 8 December 2014

Miniature Fairy Gardens

When I as a child I loved making miniatures, it didn't matter what it was, so long as it was small. 
I always had some project on the go and was lucky enough to have very supportive parents who always provided the necessary glue, paint, tools and materials I needed.
My family still have some of my creations and have them proudly on display in their homes.This weekend my sister was very pleased to be ale to show me some of my miniature drums, made in my teens, that she was hanging on her Christmas tree, they do look a bit battered now but she still likes them.
I find it very sad that today's youngsters prefer to play on their phones and playstations to actually making anything or playing with anything creative.
To try to encourage a bit of creativity in our younger generation, and bring some magic into their lives, I have created some fairy garden kits, hopefully these will get the imaginations working.
I am now selling these fairy garden kits and fairy houses along with the accessories and other bits and bobs in my Etsy store and on Ebay.
The range will increase as I get more things made but at the moment it consists of a miniature fairy garden kit in a tiny trunk that converts into a fairy house and a couple of fairy houses.
I am also holding a competition for the best fairy garden made using something from my fairy garden range. anyone purchasing an item will get a card telling them where to send their photo of the garden with the makers age. All pictures will be shown here in my Fairy garden gallery and I will be deciding the winner at around Easter time, the prize will be one of my shell fae miniature fairies.

1 comment:

  1. As far as I am concerned, Anthea, you are preaching to the choir! We were always crafting as youngsters, Mum had little in the way of money but there was plenty of creativity :)

    I think today's kid's lose out on much, including the ability to imaginatively problem-solve. Not every challenge can or should be googled :(

    Your little minis are delightful!
